Guidelines for Authors

1. Instruction to Authors

GU Journal of Phytosciences publishes original research papers and quality review papers of biological, agricultural and environmental sciences in the aspects of plant sciences. GU Journal of Phytosciences is a quarterly journal. In a year, 4 issues are published in the month of January, April, July and October. A paper would normally require at least two months from the date of receipt for its appearance in the journal.

All authors and contributors are requested to be brief and concise. The following format should be followed while preparing the research or review manuscript.

2. How to Prepare Manuscript for  GU. J. Phytosci.?

2.1. Submission of article

Original research paper/short notes/ critical reviews research updates to GU. J. Phytosci. are submitted by email only. MS should be submitted in an editable format such as doc. The text should be double-spaced throughout and written in English.

2.2. Affiliation and Sequencing

Authors need to include their full mailing address, phone numbers and e-mail address and to provide along with the MS, the names, and addresses (phone numbers & e-mail addresses) of 4-5 experts  Email addresses, affiliations and contacts of all authors should be given with all capitals. In the case of more than one author with different Institutions, use numbering in superscripts (123) to separate the author's affiliation i.e.,

Allah Bakhsh Gulshan1, Faisal Hussain1*, Syed Mazhar Irfan Naqvi1 and Hashim Faiz1                         (Font=Cambria, Size=10, All capitals)

1Department Botany, Ghazi University, Main Campus, Dera Ghazi Khan 32200-Pakistan (Font=Cambria, Size=11, Style=Italic, Capitalize each word)

*Corresponding author’s email:  (Font=Cambria, Size=11)


2.3. Formatting

The MS should be organized in the following manner:

  • Besides providing full title (Each Word Capital) of the MS the authors should provide a short running title (about 60-70 characters) as well.

Occurrence of Fruit-Rot of Chilli Crop and their Biomanagement under Laboratory Conditions

(Font=Cambria, Size=17, Capitalize each word)

  • Abstract (200-300 words), providing 4-5 key words.
  • Keywords should be given after Abstract.
  • Please provide full corresponding address with phone/mobile and email.
  • Please note that we need the full affiliation and email address with phone/mobile numbers of all the authors and their consent to be associated as one of the co-authors with corresponding author too.
  • Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Conclusions; References.


2.4. Illustrations

Figures may be line drawings, drawings or photographs and must have legends that could be understood without referring to the text.

2.5. Tables

 Tables should be numbered consecutively and must have descriptive headings which should be understandable. Instead of giving a number of small tables, the contributors are requested to consolidate small tables into a comprehensive one as far as possible. Tables must be created in proper table format by selecting rows and columns.

2.6. Figures

 Figures should be clear and readable with at least 300dpi resolution. Graphs should be sent in editable form or original Excel files or other software files.

2.7. Nomenclature

Scientific plant names must be used in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature of algae, fungi and plants.  In taxonomic studies, author’s names of all taxa should be provided as standardized by the International Plant Names Index.

2.8. Herbarium Acronyms: Registered public herbaria should be referred to by the acronyms included in Index Herbariorum. Herbaria not included in Index Herbariorum should be referred to by their full name.

2.9. Discussion: Avoid making subsections in this section however, if necessary, subheadings can be used. Discussion should be logical, and results must be discussed in the light of previous findings (preferably recent ones) justifying your findings.

2.10. Conclusions: It can be given in a separate heading or a short paragraph containing important conclusions or recommendations of the study. 

3. References

References should be listed in alphabetical order. Names of the journals should not be abbreviated; full titles of papers, volume number of the journal and first and last page numbers should be given. All references must be cited chronologically in the text, giving author and year (Author et al., 1996; Author and Author, 2000; Author, 2010). If more than one paper published by the same author(s) is cited for the same year, letters a, b, c etc. should follow the year. For more than two authors, et al. is to be used in all citations in the text. Follow the following reference format:

3.0.1. Journal article

Hussain, F. 2011. Pests and diseases of Chilli crop in Pakistan: A Review. Int. J. Biol. Biotech., 8(2): 325-332.

Hussain, F. and M. Abid. 2012. Some important medicinal plants associated with the vegetation of Mirpurkhas. Int. J. Biol. Biotech., 9(4): 405-420.

Hussain, F., S. S. Shaukat, M. Abid, F. Usman and M. Akbar. 2014. The effect of fungicides alone and in conjugation with chitin on the control of some fungal pathogens associated with chilli seeds. World Appl. Sci. J., 32(2): 977- 985.

3.0.2. Book

Hussain, F. 2015. A manual collection, isolation techniques and identification of Fungi. Vol: 1. Scholar’s Press, Germany, pp 240.

3.0.3. Book Chapter

Hussain, F. and F. Usman. 2019. Fungal biotic stresses in plants and its control. In: De-Oliveira, A.B. (Ed.), Abiotic and Biotic stress in Plants. IntechOpen Publisher, UK, pp 55-61.

3.0.4. Edited Book

Ali, S.I. and M. Qaiser (Eds.). 2001. Flora of Pakistan. 205. University of Karachi, Karachi.

4. Review Process

Each submitted paper is subjected to technical and quality check by the Primary Review Committee. The papers which do not fulfill the primary quality criteria are immediately returned to the corresponding authors. Only papers of good quality are sent for a peer-review to two independent reviewers. The review process is completed normally within 2 weeks and review reports are returned to corresponding authors. The authors may revise and submit their revisions within a maximum of 2 weeks from the decision; failing this the submission is marked as rejected.

5. Proofs

The corresponding author will receive the page proof via. E-mail/PDF file; which may be corrected on Track and be returned. Only minor corrections/alterations should be allowed at this stage.

6. Reprints and Off Prints

Free access to the final PDF offprint of the article will be made available to the author. The paper reprints/off prints may be ordered on-line and on payment basis at the time of page proof correction.

 Author’s Contribution

All authors are required to submit their specific and quantitative contribution, duly signed on the prescribed Performa available on website.

  • All authors have read publication ethics and agree to follow them. All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web) Color figures are clearly marked as being intended for color reproduction on the Web (no additional charges) and in print (additional Charges apply) or to be reproduced in color on the Web (no additional charges) and in black-and-white in print (no additional charges)

Quick check list before submission

  • Read author’s instruction
  • References should be according to the format given above
  • Paper should be complete (all tables, figures and text should be in a single MS Word file)
  • Contribution letter
  • Cover letter
  • Reviewer’s name, address and email should be given
  • Email address of all authors should be given.
  • Files name (you need to upload) should be simple without any special characters
  • Example: paper.doc, contribution.pdf etc.